Archive for July, 2010

The One About Work

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. These days I sleep early and wake up early like any normal human. I wake up. I go to work. I come home. I feel sleepy and I go to sleep. And the cycle repeats.

Work is okay as i’ve told everyone. But (there’s always a but) it gets boring sometimes like now when I don’t have anything to do. There’s just so much you can read from newspapers you know.

Now that I am more aware of what is going on around me from the news, I’m actually quite disgusted at the evil things that humans are capable of.

And sometimes I am disgusted by the upholders of the law. There’s this news about illegal veg vendoring in miri. The authorities came and thrashed the veggies to the ground and stepped on them.

Look, you don’t have to do that. You can tell them to leave or something and not waste the veggies like that. It’s just bad. Just my two cents.

The boss went out, which is why I am blogging now during my office hours. Damn it’s only 9.30am!

Time to continue reading newspaper and contemplate my choices for lunch 🙂

I started working today. I start from 1 till 9 pm (I know it’s weird) so I went early because I knew finding a parking space will be very difficult. And I was right.

I arrived early but I couldn’t go in since everyone is out for lunch and you need a card to access the lifts and the entrances.

I translated about 6 normal length articles and 1 VERY long article. The one about the stolen cars and smuggled wildlife and birds thing. Go find it in the Star or something. I’m too tired to find it and link it up.

My dinner hour is supposed to be from 6.30 to 7.30 but I was busy translating and just thought I’ll have it after I’m done. In the end, I didn’t get dinner till I was home at about 8 something.

And my boss informed me that I’ll start working at 9 am till 6 pm tomorrow!

I am a little sad and a little happy.

Sad because I am only supposed to work 8 hours (1-9pm) and but with the new schedule it will be 9 hours. And besides that, like today, if I finish my work early, I can leave early. But starting tomorrow, I will have to work 9 hours and I cannot go back earlier because I have to attend a meeting every day at 6 pm. So technically I work more than 9 hours.

Happy because I won’t work till late at night. As in it would seem like I don’t have a life. Sigh. But even as I end at 6 pm, I’ll be too tired to do anything anyway. Hopefully there’s not so much work tomorrow. Strained my eyes looking at the tiny Chinese characters and the computer screen.


I went for an interview with Forestry Department just now. I was told to be there 15 minutes before 8 am. I was there half an hour before then. Then I waited at the 19th floor till 8.15 am where I was told to sit for a written exam at the 4th floor. Darn I didn’t know there’s such thing involved.

Anyway, I had to write 2 essays, one in English and the other in BM. We get to choose from 5 questions each. It’s all related to the environment, forests, etc. Took half an hour to finish both and went back to the 19th floor for the interview. Waited again till about 9.50 am when the first candidate was done.

Apparently there weren’t that many people. They separate the interviews for different posts at different floors so I do not know how many people’s there. But there’s only 2 other people with me for that time slot at the same place.

I was interviewed by 4 middle aged guys. They took turns shooting asking me questions. The Chinese one was the scarier one, who kept asking me to answer more and more for each question. The rest was amicable and nice. The interview session went on for about half an hour and off I went!

As usual, I feel so drained and tired. I’m so glad I am not starting work today or I’ll die. Seriously.

But tomorrow’s rather soon too. I went to sign the work contract yesterday. The best thing about it is that within the first 3 months of probation, I can quit with just 24 hours notice. It works both ways. They can fire me with 24 hours notice too. Haha

And yes, I start work tomorrow. No idea what to expect. And this is the translator + admin job I am talking about. Sigh… The end of my long long holidays. Sad

Conclusion, most (if not all) interviews are mentally draining. And I hate interviews!


The One About the BWSC Photo

I was wondering how to create that selective colours in black and white background technique (I’ll just call it BWSC to make it easier). Then I remembered and tried to do it.

Then I was wondering why I don’t do it more often.

Now I remember. It takes a LOT of work!!! Especially for irregular objects like flowers! Gah… Since I couldn’t stop halfway, I decided to complete it.

It’s not good enough but my right hand is aching from clutching the smaller than most mouse.P1100227

Okay. What is this?P1100367

Done guessing? What did you guess? Wall? Some random colour I generated in Paint/Photoshop?

I knew you’ll get the right guess!

It’s the bright blue sky! As clear and as cloudless as can be.

That is, until a little clump/puff  (?) of cloud came by.

P1100369It’s lovely to take photos of flowers during these days, with the blue sky as the background. Taking photos of a fellow human is just… impossible since both the subject and the photographer will be dehydrated before long. It is THAT hot. And I risked it going under the hot sun just to take photos of the sky.

P1100383Not a very good example/composition but I couldn’t bear to be under the hot hot sun for that long. A quick snap snap and I go scuttering into the shades. 

You get the idea.

The One About the Nail Polishes

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You know I am bored when I start snapping photos of inanimate objects such as bottles of nail polish. But they are so pretty and colourful! And no, they do not belong to me.


The photo was taken at the back of my house. Those are my dad’s work stuff like pipes and strips of metals. The original photo was quite flat and boring. Looked through eons of options through Photoshop plugins and settled with the above, mainly because I do not have any other ideas what to do with it. So as I always say, anything will do.

I am watching the quarterfinals match of Spain vs Paraguay match while doing all these and it’s the 78th minute already. It’s still goalless. I hope the match won’t be as long as the Ghana vs Uruguay one yesterday, which resulting in me sleeping very very late and waking up early as a zombie, plus crashing out a few hours afterwards.

I hope Spain will win. Especially after watching the 4-0 Argentina slaughter by Germany. Of course, I do not feel as strongly for them as I did for South/North Korea and England.

I was extra cranky these few days. I missed a couple of friends from secondary school, of whom there was minimal/no contacts with recently. Smsed them and glad to see replies from them. Good to know that they are doing well wherever they are.

Brother’s friends came over today. A noisy lot they are. Stayed till they finished watching the Argentinean slaughter. I quite envy them actually. It’s awesome to hang out with a close knit group of friends.

And David Villa just scored for Spain! Awesome! Took them long enough. I guess I can go to sleep after 90 minutes of the match 🙂

These photos are very much overdue. I took them in Kuching centre during Wesak Day ages ago. All taken near Padungan Street and the arch is right behind the symbolic white cat statue.

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