My sister, in Form 5, was telling me about her talk with her friends. Since they are all in Form 5 already, they have to make the inevitable choice for their future.

So the big question on everyone’s mind: What are you going to do after Form 5?

Most certainly a lot will say they will further their studies abroad. Australia, Singapore, New Zealand. Just name it.

Some will go to local colleges.

Some will go to matriculations.

What does the rest do? besides not studying all together?

Go to Form 6.

Why does it always sound like Form 6 is the last choice on the menu?

So, my sister was asked that question repeatedly. Each time, she said if she does not get accepted into matriculation, she will go to Form 6.

Many of her friends were shocked and looked at her with big eyes. “Why do you want to go to Form 6?” they said.

And my sister’s retort?

Because I’m not rich like you.

Anyway, the rich kids are strange in the sense that they thought it’s a norm to be rich. They just assumed that EVERYONE will go overseas to further their studies after completing Form 5. They had never imagined that some people cannot afford to do so.

I do feel the pain.

But I didn’t make such a big fuss about it. Because I know. I know we’re not financially well off. I know I don’t have much choice. And frankly, I didn’t really care much because I do not know what I wanted to do.

Well, even until Form 6 and till now, I’m not too sure what I want to do either.

All these while, I’m just drifting on a float along with the river flow. I go where the river flows to. And that’s where I am now.

But is Form 6 that bad? Results wise, it is pretty bad. As in very difficult. And friends wise? Also bad since everyone left. But I survived and so did many others. It’s the easiest way to university if you’re not well off. But hey, those who sucked during STPM still managed to find their way to university! Pretty amazing.

Enough rantings. More photos. Any photos that looked wayyyy out of Malaysia is from my brother.
