Was woken up by smses from friends, asking me if I want to go to Sushi King. I was initially very enthusiastic to go to the promotion. But it turns out that most of my friends not going and that I said I’ll go with my sis if she manages to borrow a member card today. So it was all dilemma and undecided. But I decided to go after all. I can go twice today. I don’t mind. Except that I will probably not want sushi for months.

I had the most interesting dream before being woken up abruptly. Something about my family and I entering this competition. You know those games where we seek for hidden stuff? It’s like the reality version of that. A picture of the next clue is given at the beginning and from that you have to find where the clue is. It might be a zoomed in picture so that makes it harder to find. The point is, it was all very interesting I remembered it taking us to quaint old shops, cemeteries, etc. (Strangely, the cemetery wasn’t too scary and we had to locate the exact tomb).

I remembered my mum and sister wasn’t too interested so it was just me and my brother rushing around looking for clues. I forgot how far we got before I was woken up. But it was a fun dream for once. Haha!